I cried! I cried after so long! Why did I cry?
I don't know....It just happened...My tears....was...flowing...like...a....stream...
Hey, don't get the wrong idea, it wasn't because of love...
It was because of the one who I hated most- my bro.
One day, I'll torture him...He won't live and can't die.
Just because he thinks he is a boss of me doesn't mean he is!
I hate him!!!
What happened exactly u ask?
He imitated me...he always does that. And I hate that.
Then, when I was fuming with flames, my mum joined him.
Why join him when he always scold you and talk to you rudely?
Why do I deserve this? At least.... my father was there for me...
Before I cried, I was already glaring at my father meaning "I'm angry!"
Why do this happen to me every time?
I feel I'm neglected by my own parents...
And get ruled by that stupid brother!
Zz...With this in my mind, I couldn't play well in my games.
Now I type finish this, I feel relieved...
But, one day, I SHALL KILL HIM!
Who the hell he thinks he is?!
My parents treat him as king, and he treated my parents as bishops.